Friday, September 17, 2010


The Indoor Track & Field schedule is done for the PVIAC. You can simply get the entire schedule by clicking onto the 2010 INDOOR SCHEDULE at the top of the page, but for those of you that are not into "clicking":
12/10 - 7:00 vs. Pioneer and CENTRAL
12/17 - 3:45 vs. GREENFIELD
01/07- 7:00 vs. Athol and Cathedral
01/14- 3:45 vs. South Hadley and Holyoke Catholic
01/21- 7:00 vs. Mohawk
01/22- 6:00 vs. 4 x 800 Relay ( This is a SATURDAY NIGHT)
01/28- 3:45 vs. Mahar and New Leadership
02/04- 6:00 vs. PVIAC Championships

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